sunnuntai 17. elokuuta 2008

Waldorf Blofeld 1.03 update

Wonderful news!

This news just came in from Stefan Stenzel from Waldorf:

- - -


I just uploaded the firmware version 1.03 for Blofeld:

This is mainly to be considered a bugfix release, addressing many problems
that users kindly reported to us. So the most prominent bugfixes are:

-PPG Filter in combination with wavetables without noise
-Phaser in FX1 slot without spurious crackling
-Parts 5..16 stereo and optional mix into FX2
-Only audible Effect parameters editable
-Eliminated spurious encoder crosstalk

There are many more bugs that have been fixed, but we are too embarrassed
to admit those ever existed.


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I downloaded the new firmware and the .syx update process was quick, easy and successful with MIDI OX via USB.

So now I have my PPG filters and wavetables working, something I was sad about in my last post.

I'm blessed to get the bugfix so soon, as my Blofeld only arrived last thursday!

The blofeld is an really inspirational machine, thank you for that!

- jessej -

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